The importance of fitness and wellness
When we speak of attaining overall fitness and Wellness, we also need to set and maintain a few goals: achieving adequate strong and toned muscles, flexibility, an ideal body weight, a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Those who adopt a Wellness lifestyle not only reach and maintain these goals more easily, but they also obtain all the benefits from them, which reflect positively in all aspects of their lives.
Keeping a healthy lifestyle gives you peace of mind which translates into better relationships with others. Finding harmony within yourself is a fundamental part of dealing with your surroundings and the people around you.
Wellness means living longer. In addition to its tangible benefits, Wellness also produces some intangible benefits for our body systems and major organs, enabling us to maintain our full physical and mental capacities for longer and thereby creating the foundation for an enjoyable and active old age. Wellness also means mental, physical and social well-being.
Regular exercising – whether you are using fitness equipment at a commercial gym or exercising at home is known to greatly improve strength and. Those who work out regularly are likely to have a lot more stamina and will be able to get through their day to day activities with much more ease than those who lead an essentially sedentary life.
The importance of fitness also lies in the fact that it helps boost our overall health and sense of wellbeing. Exercising improves heart and lung functions and increases the amount of oxygen available in the body, making us feel more energized at all times. We all know that exercising keeps you looking young, so the importance of fitness and wellness is for all to see. Those who ignore it, do it at their own peril.
Ten step guide to physical fitness and Wellness
• dedicate 30 minutes a day every day, if possible, to moderate, continuous exercise
• include regular exercises for muscular Strength and flexibility in your fitness routine
• walk or cycle instead of using ‘passive’ means of transport (car, motorbike, lifts)
• eat 5 small, nutritionally balanced meals each day, varying your choice of foods as much as possible and choosing fresh, natural produce
• make sure you get enough sleep every night to fully recharge yourself physically and mentally
• motivate yourself constantly, setting yourself new goals to achieve
• dedicate time to your loved ones and hobbies, cultivating a wide range of interests
• spend as much time as possible in pollution-free environment, finding time to get back to nature in the great outdoors
• do not smoke and do not take substances which can compromise, even only temporarily, your presence of mind and full self-control
• Always try to take a positive attitude, remember to smile as often as possible!