What not to wear to work

The way you look says a volume about you/ character, it’s wise to take yourself seriously, the way you take your work. Think about it, would you take your boss seriously wearing a Christmas jersey and sneakers?,mmm No!!remember first impression last.
Cutoff shorts and belly baring
Just because you have abs of steel doesn’t mean your boss wants to see them. Cover up the belly area and stay away from shorts that once had a close and personal relationship with a pair of scissors.
Wacky socks
Subtlety goes a long way in a workplace setting. Please showcase your wacky socks on the weekends.
Unless you coach a sports team for high school or national team level, tracksuits should never see the outside of a gym.
Shorts and sandals
Girls might be able to get away with open-toed shoes in the office, but guys don’t spend nearly enough on pedicures to warrant a free pass when it comes to sandals. Also, leave the shorts at the beach.
Outrageous hair color
We’re all about freedom of expression, but funky hair color will just distract business clients and partners.
Offensive tees
Don’t wear your opinions on your sleeve or on the front of a t-shirt.
These unsightly excuses for footwear should be banned from any office building. They might be comfortable, but at what cost?
This one is for the boys. Feel free to don a baseball cap to and from work, but please remove once you step foot into the office.
Pajama day is always the best part of a high school spirit week. In the real world, flannel bottoms don’t cut it.
Fishnet stockings
Nothing says sexy like fishnet stockings. Unless you work at Victoria’s Secret, choose nude nylons for the office.
Unless you are a rock star leave the concert gear at home.
Ratty sweater
Leave your favorite sweater at home if it looks like a family of moths used it for winter cold at home.
Ripped jeans
If you’re lucky enough to get to wear jeans to work on a regular basis, don’t abuse the privilege by wearing a nasty pair.
This footwear is best suited for the beach. Unless you’re employed as a lifeguard, save these for the weekend.
Put the girls away when co-workers are around. Showcasing your ample bosom around the office is not only distracting, but tacky.
Tube tops
Minimize the amount of skin showing at work. Tube tops not only pose bra problems, but distract everyone in the office.
Baggy pants
Listen up fellas! If we can see your underwear, then you are wearing your pants too low. Only your mama and your girlfriend should know what your skivvies look like.
Keep the backless dresses and blouses on the ready for your next outing with your friends not for work.
Sports jerseys
If a number or the last name of another man is blazoned across your back, then you must be headed for a sporting event or an outdoor barbecue. Because the office is not a place for recreational sports.