
10 Things Your Face Can Tell About Your Health

10 Things Your Face Can Tell About Your Health

Many people get diagnosed for ailments at the doctors. Through intense blood work, scan and x rays, doctors are able to identify ailments in clients. However there are ways of finding out what’s wrong with you. Your face is a good way to see what’s wrong

1. Excessive hair growth

Facial hair and hair on other parts of the body that appear dark and coarse could be caused by a condition called hirsutism. This type of hair has an association with certain male hormones, and could also be hereditary. This problem has been mostly found in women of Mediterranean, South Asian, and Middle Eastern descent.

2. Pale skin

Discoloration of the skin is not an uncommon problem. Many people with pale complections are advised to get checked for anemia. However, this problem might require a little more attention. If the paleness is localized, meaning it’s on one particular part of the body like the face or a limb, you should consult your doctor immediately.

Paleness or pallor could be due to a reduced blood flow, low oxygen levels in the body or a decreased number of red blood cells. Paleness can also be caused by environmental factors like lack of sun exposure, frostbite or very low blood pressure.

3. Cracked lips

We all get chapped lips from time to time as a result of excessive dryness and dehydration, especially during the winter months. However, chapped lips may be a more serious health problem than you thought. If your lips don’t improve despite several treatments, the condition could be more serious.

Persistent chapped lips could also be caused by cheilitis or the herpes virus. Cheilitis is caused by overexposure to the sun, resulting in a thin white line forming at the outline of the lips. If not treated, cheilitis can turn into skin cancer. The herpes virus can lead to red sores around the lips along with dry, peeling skin. This virus is contagious and should be taken seriously.ý

4. Sores

You usually get these sores around your lips or nostrils. These are cold sores and are generally caused by the type 1 herpes virus. Although these are treatable, they tend to come back again and again. According to doctors, these sores stay with you forever and are generally triggered by bad health, stress, excessive tiredness or a lot of sun exposure.

Although these sores go away on their own in about 1-3 weeks, if they are unusually big or occur too frequently, it’s wise to consult with your doctor.

5. Facial paralysis

The term “facial paralysis” may sound a bit scary, so let’s break it down. Facial paralysis is basically a condition called Bell’s palsy. A person suffering from this usually is unable to move a side of their face. They also complain of pain in their jaw and behind their ears.

This paralysis is caused by a kind of virus that presses your facial nerves, thus causing pain and swelling. This starts developing over a few hours or sometimes a few days and can be cured within 3 to 6 months.

6. Dry skin

Dry skin is a common problem and treatment is considered normal in an everyday skincare regimen. It can be a seasonal problem or can be caused by inadequate moisturizing. However, you can’t ignore all dry and brittle skin issues. Some of them could be a result of poor diet, hyperthyroidism or diabetes.

Give yourself sufficient moisturization and drink plenty of water. If you still can’t get rid of the dry skin on your face, it’s probably time to consult your doctor.

7. Eye bags and puffiness around eyes

Swollen and puffy eyes are usually associated with sleeplessness or late nights. Try catching up on sleep with some light naps and a stricter sleep schedule. If the problem still persists, there could be an underlying issue. The puffiness could be a result of fluid buildup below your eyelids. The reason for this could be allergies, crying jags, or a high salt intake. The condition could be further exaggerated in hot and humid weather.

8. Acne on and around the jawline

Acne, as we all know, is caused by deposits of oil under the skin. Acne on and around the jawline is a little different as it can be caused by stress, hormonal changes or some medications like contraceptives, antidepressants, B vitamins, etc.

These pimples could be red and solid or can appear in a collection of white pus over the lips. In women, this kind of acne could also be a symptom of PCOS.

9. Itchy ears

There could be many reasons for itchy ears. Blaming it on earwax buildup is not completely right. Itchy ears could also be caused by certain types of infections or allergies caused by various products.

In more serious conditions, itching in the ears could be a symptom of eczema or psoriasis, which needs immediate medical intervention.

10. Horizontal lines on the foreheads

We all get lines and wrinkles on our face depending on our age. And we can all admit that we hate them and often try to get rid of them. However, what if we told you they are not just signs of aging and they can actually depict your overall body health?

These lines on the face can depict various things, especially the horizontal ones. These lines are also called stress lines, meaning that you are undergoing a lot of stress. These lines are also an indication of a poor diet. These lines are linked directly to your stomach health, so if you are consuming extra sugar and fat in your diet, they’ll be more likely to appear.

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