Nasty Tricks announces comeback.

Urban grooves artist Nasty tricks and a suprise announcement that he will be making a return to the music industry. The musician has been quiet for some time after having made waves on the music scene from 2009 to 2011.
Nasty tricks was one of the pioneers of urban grooves music. He released songs such as Chidanger, mwana uyu anotyisa and DDF. They were mainly love songs with a touch of humour. His lyrics were so hilarious that one would be left in stitches after listening to his music.
Nasty tricks simply disappeared from the music industry and his fan have been wondering what became of their favourite urban grooves. He however, recently announced that his new album will be coming out soon. It remains to be seen whether the artist will be able to charm his audience like the previous golden days.
Urban grooves music was popurlar back in the day with the likes of Ngoni Kambarami and Decibel churning out hit songs. It has however become less popular since the advent of other types of music such as zimdancehall.