Life Style

Top 5 trending phrases of September 2019.

Zimbabweans never seem to chill, especially when it comes to reinventing innocent words into hillarious comic phrases. Indeed a simple word or conversation can be miscontrued into a catchy phrase and rebranded into a totally different meaning. Hear are the top trending phrases of this month.

1Kuvhundutsa vanhu. Vanhu vanovhunduka ka.

Literally translated to mean that if you do something that can shock people, they will indeed be shocked. This phrase has become very popurlar thanks to the late former president Robert Mugabe. Known for his witty and stubborn character, the former president had uttered the words at a rally. Innocent as they were, people are now using the phrase on a daily basis to refer to any situation that might be viwed as too extreme, too funny or rather absurd. A video of an elderly seventy something man stroking the cheeks of his youthful bride was said to fall within the ambit of the saying. Similarly, urban grooves artist Exq had also uttered the same phrase when people spread rumours that he was leaving Military Touch Movement. Kuvhunduka has indeed become a national anthem.

2 Ngaibakeee

The word means “let it light up”. It emanated from a song by Freeman and Alick Macheso in which they were encouraging their fans to light up the dancefloor, let loose and forgive. The meaning enjoins one to simply enjoy, without thinking too hard or being bitter. Ngaibake has become a hit word with people at work, school or in communities reffering to it constantly.

3 Volume bho

The phrase means “Good volume”. This catchy phrase is mostly used when people are trying to ascertain the status f what they are wearing, saying or singing. Instead of saying how do I look, one would rather say how is the volume. The phrase has been cited so many times on memes such that it has almost completely replaced the normal way in which people question about things.

4 Twabamu

Special mention must be given to Prophet Passion Java for popurlarising the word Twabam. It all began with his usual bragging fete, as he paraded his assets for all the and would constantly say Twabamu. A bedroom challenge then erupted online with people taking viewers through their bedrooms, bathrooms and end with a resounding Twabam. Celebrities like Fungisai Zvakavapano and Zuva habane were ripped into the challenge.

5 Tichakupai matshirts.

This means “we will give you tshirts”. As he was addressing a rally one time ago, the president promised supporters, members of an apostolic sects, that there were tshirts that would be given to them. Instead of saying what one intends to give to someone in Zim, people are simply saying I will give you a t-shirt. The catchy phrase has become a part of everyday language.

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