“We are not going anywhere, we are still around” Bushiri responds to Java’s death claims.

Prophet Passion Java has come under the spotlight following his recent prophecy on the death of a fellow prophet. The man of cloth alleged that he had seen a vision in which he was told that Malawian prophet Bushiri would die this coming December. He said he was currently praying for the incident not to happen.
Java seems to have ruffled some feathers with his prophecy as evidenced by the overwhelming backlash he ha received from other prophets and followers of Bushiri. Bushiri himself responded to the prophecy in a church service and said that the person who had claimed that he would die in December was merely an attention seeker and a fake man of God. He said he is still around and is not going anywhere.
Another prophet based in the UK, Eubert Angel also spoke in a rather cushioned message by stating that people must be wary of fak prophets who masquerade as true Messengers of God. He said there are prophetic levels in the spritual realm and some prophets are not even allowed to prophesy about other prophets.
Java has been lambasted for just blurting out things without giving due consideration. He was recently informed in a war of word with local rapper Stunner after he shared a video in which he dissed the rapper. He quickly received a tongue lash from other celebrities such as queen Tatelicious and Zuva Habane as well as followers of Stunner. Java has emerged as on of the country’smost controvesial characters. His constant bragging and flashing of wealth has raised eyebrows with most people querrying the source of his wealth.