
Top ten tips for a trimmer tummy.

Most people struggle to get rid of excess belly fat. Indeed a building midriff can affect one’s self esteem. Here are some easy tips to get your tummy trim.

1. Be realistic

Eat nutritious foods and avoid junk, fast foods. Nutrition plays an important role in weight loss apart from exercise.

2.Be optimistic

In any diet, belly fat is usually the first to go so brace yourself for change.

3. You are what you eat

Avoid unhealthy foods like sugar,unhealthy fats and incorrect carbs. Eat healthily as a way of life.

4. Do not starve yourself

If you do not eat small frequent meals your metabolism slows down or shuts down. Have healthy snacks on hand such as healthy nuts and vegetables.

5. Eat regurlaly

Missing meals can result in you eating incorrect foods and oversized portions.

6. Start weight training

It burns way more calories than cardio.

7. Exercise often

Have regurlar training sessions.

,8. Be active in your daily life

If you cannot afford to go to the gym or you have a hectic schedule try as much as possible to be active. Walk the dogs, do gardening or play soccer.

9. Choose fibre rich foods

Eating more fibre makes you develop less visceral fat.

10. Forty winks

Getting the right amount of sleep is essential. You must sleep for at least 8hours a day

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