Nox challenges rich people

Nox has appealed to the government to step up its game in relation to dealing with the covid 19 fight. He also encouraged rich people to flex their financial muscle and help the country at this critical time. Nox said this was the time for those who usually flaunted their wealth to show off what they are made of.
The sentiments by Nox have been seconded by a lot of people. Some even picked out names such as Ginimbi, Passion Java and Pokello who are quite popular for having lots of money to step in and help. The country is evidently not well equipped to deal with the crisis with the major health centre for the covid 19 Wilkins not having enough ventilators.
The recent death o Zororo Makamba who tested positive for the coronavirus exposed the unpreparedness of local authorities to handle such cases. Zimbabwe is reported to have five cases of the covid 19 at the moment.
Nox said this was the time to show unity and humanity especially from those who had more financial resources.
Olinda Chapel also had a few words to say to the president
She said people should be forced back into their homes in order to prevent the spread of the disease.
Most people who were expected to take up the initiative to help fight the virus have since gone quiet.