Thembi Seete reveals the first thing she will do after the lockdown

Thembi Seete, South African singer and actress had one question for her fans. She recently asked, ” Guys what’s the first thing you going to do once things get back to normal or let’s say once things get better”.
Thembi said she really misses her kickboxing class and hat would be the her first priority. Of course the beautiful singer and actress is a fitness fanatic and often posts videos of herself hitting the gym and letting some steam off.
Most people thought she would hint at missing the stage or her acting prowess behind the camera and where shocked to realise just how serious she is about keeping fit. In response most of her fans talked about how they would start off by visiting their favorite restaurants, go back to the gym and visit the cinema. It was a mixed bag of reactions. South Africa was commended by the World health organization for imposing a strict lockdown routine. Other countries were actually asked to emulate the southern African nation so as to contain the virus.
The country has since moved to level four of the lockdown, meaning some measures have been relaxed.