Yay or nay: Several men trend on social media for wearing female clothes

A series of pictures of grown men wearing women’s clothing has caused furore on social media. The pictures are trending and it is not known where they originated from. It is rather unusual to see a man wearing a skirt or dress but there men have been causing a stir with some little numbers.
There have been mixed reactions to this trend. Most people have expressed shock at seeing what they describe as a ghastly sight. They believe it will influence young kids to dress in appropriately. In one image, a man is pictures wearing a short denim dress. He could have easily passed off as a woman. The man is seen making various sophisticated poses. Another image shows a different man dressed in a two piece feminine yellow tights and frilly top. Such rare sights have set social media ablaze.
Some have hinted at homosexual tendencies but that is mere speculation. There has not been any confirmation that these men are in any way involved in such activities. It seems like acts of merely having fun with dressing up in women’s clothes. This habit has however set tongues wagging.
It is however not uncommon for men to wear something with a bit of femininity written all over it. Several celebrities such as Lasizwe and Somizi often wear dresses and long drapping gowns, but then again these men are not known to be gay. The new trend has overtaken social media but most local men have frowned upon such trends. Besides most of these do look unappealing in dresses and tops, something that was specifically designed for females. Women have also professed that they are offended by the new style that has hit the streets.