10 Things You Need To Know About Yeast Infection
There’s always a normal amount of yeast in every vaginal area but sometimes there can be circumstances that cause an overgrowth of the normal amount which then is called yeast infection. Here are ten things you need to know about the yeast infection.
1. Yeast Infection is an overgrowth of normal yeast in the vaginal canal. The yeast is called Candida.
2. Common symptoms include extreme itchiness inside and around the vagina, burning and swelling of the vagina and vulva, also pain while urinating.
3. Two in three women have had yeast infection at least once in their life.
4. Most yeast infections are a result of immune deficiencies, stress, pregnancy, lack of sleep and poor diet.
5. Men can also get yeast infection, the symptoms in men are bad breath, indigestion, frequent gas or diarrhea.
6. Yeast infection can be treated with antimycotis which comes in tablets, cream or vaginal suppositories.
7. Eating plain yoghurt and taking oregano oil which has anti-fungal properties, it comes in pills, capsules or tablets and can help fight the yeast.
8. Stay away from scented hygiene products like tampons, pads, toilet paper. Avoid tight clothing or synthetic underwear.
9. Constant blood sugar highs and crushes are also a risk factor for getting more yeast infection, avoid refined sugars.
10. Yeast infection can also occur orally and it is commonly called thrush, this usually happens to newborns but typically passes quickly.