Call for Proposals : Innovations in Internationalization

We seek to weave global competence into the fabric of school and teacher experiences to engage and inspire the people living in them to want to connect more meaningfully to the world.
We believe that there are many catalysts for public dialogue and that making global–local connections and encouraging shared cultural experiences contribute to a sense of place and communal identity.
Our innovations work specifically supports strategic, field–building activities that help address gaps in knowledge or capacity. Advancement of global education in new and creative mechanisms is particularly of interest. Previous grants in this field have ranged from connecting schools with communities around international children’s literature to building professional development resources for teachers that internationalize the U.S. History perspectives taught in middle and high school.
Learn more about the work we have supported and about current funding strategies in the innovations category.
State Network for Int’l Education
Internationalizing Teacher Prep
Innovations in Internationalization
To apply, complete our funding inquiry form and submit it no later than 5 pm PT on 7 June.
For more information visit here.