5 Things To Consider Before Choosing A College Major

So you’ve already picked a college which is the easier part followed by one of the biggest choices you’ll make as far as being a college student goes- what major to pick. Most students are not informed and have little idea what they are getting into when they choose a major.
Here are five things to consider and questions to ask yourself before you make the life changing decision.
1. Is this the right and only major for my career path?
There are many careers for which any one of a number of undergraduate majors would be appropriate. Don’t box yourself into a major you don’t like, thinking that it’s the only path to your career of choice. Be sure the major you pick is on the track to the career you want.
2. What are the career opportunities for this major?
Many students base their assessment of job prospects on current conditions, not the time two to four years from now when they’ll complete their degree. Make sure you’re not planning for a career that will be in its dying days by the time you’re trained for it.
3. Talk to People who Have Obtained the Major You are Considering
If you already have a major in mind that you think is a good fit for you, consider talking to someone who obtained a degree in that field. They can probably answer your more specific questions better than a guidance counselor as they have had first hand experience.You’ll find that different degrees impact graduates very differently when they pursue opportunities after graduation.
4. Are You Good At This Major?
You should not major in something you don’t have the skills and gifts for. Determine in what areas of your life you are most successful, the areas that you are most successful in may be in stark contrast with your passions, but usually this is not the case. Look at the courses you have taken. Did you excel in any?
5. What is the Earning Potential of Your Interest?
Don’t disregard factors like salary potential or job opportunity as they will affect your future, but weight them against your desire and commitment to pursue your passion.