6 Reasons You May Not Graduate on Time

The one thing that’s true is that getting to graduation day is no easy task. Few students manage to graduate as compared to the number that’s enrolled. The longer it takes, the less likely a student is to make it to graduation. Some students believe that graduating in four years isn’t so important, and cut back on classes to make more in college. Below are the six hurdles most likely to deter you from graduating on time.
1. Not sure of your major
There are certain students who are undecided about their majors. Such confusion can make one leg behind.
2. School costs are too much
Unless on a fully paid scholarship some students may fail to graduate due to failure to pay for tuition.
3. Falling behind
If one isn’t meeting their grades they might fail to complete their college. Universities often have the three strikes policy.
4. No social life
Higher education isn’t just about hitting the book but the whole college experience. It’s important to be part of groups that will be good for your resume. Join the students council, or a fraternity or the school editorial.
5. Transferring schools
It’s important to stay in one college until you graduate. Transferring affects your scores and possibly your chances of graduating.
6. Having a baby
There is a reason why protection is placed in campus restrooms. Falling pregnant during your University course can push you back. For guys it means the pressure of both school and taking care of a family.