New Novel by Zimbabwean Writer Tsitsi Dangarembga

Tsistsi Dangarembga has a new project at the moment. The accomplished author and filmmaker released her latest novel “This Mournable Body.” The novel is a follow up to her 2006 novel, The Book of Not: A Sequel to Nervous Conditions. Tsitsi’s critically acclaimed novel “Nervous Conditions” was recently ranked as one of “The 100 Stories that shaped the world.”
Dangarembaga continues the story of Tambudzai, the protagonist from Nervous Conditions. Amazon says,
…In This Mournable Body, Tsitsi Dangarembga returns to the protagonist of her acclaimed first novel, Nervous Conditions, to examine how the hope and potential of a young girl and a fledgeling nation can sour over time and become a bitter and floundering struggle for survival. As a last resort, Tambudzai takes an ecotourism job that forces her to return to her parents’ impoverished homestead. It is this homecoming, in Dangarembga’s tense and psychologically charged novel, that culminates in an act of betrayal, revealing just how toxic the combination of colonialism and capitalism can be.
The book is only available in August. It’s available on Amazon in Kindle, Paperback and Audio CD format.