Zimbabwe To Introduce Four International Languages In Government Schools

In a curriculum framework drafted October last year which will be effective once approved by the cabinet, international languages Portuguese, French, Swahili and Chinese to be introduced in Primary and Secondary government schools.
Business and entrepreneurship is to be introduced early on at primary level, social studies curriculum must include the structure and role of the government, civil responsibilities like paying tax and voting. At Ordinary Level government studies must be introduced as a subject.
At junior (form 2), 50% of the learner’s grade will be determined by continuous assessment and other 50% on Grade 7 national exams. At Advanced level indigenous languages except Literature in English are to be taught according to the school’s province.
After completing ordinary level students will participate in a life skill orientation program for five moths which will include general and specific skills training in different sector such as health volunteer services and outward bound the uniformed forces.
The Grade 7 examination paper with Agriculture will be written in 2016, Secondary and advanced students will now be doing pure sciences.