These 5 phrases are trending

1 Bholato Bholato
Seh Calaz gave new meaning to this word which most people have come to embrace. Bholato bholato is used to symbolize a good state of affairs. His song by the same title has been trending this year. The phrase has become so popular especially among the youth.
2 Hello Mwari
Jah Master gave followers something worth talking about when he released his song Hello Mwari. It has now become a household phrase. The song is about a person seeking reprieve from God as they are people trying to bring that person down. Most people simply write on their statuses “Hello Mwari” as a way of reaching out to God.
3 Gore regonzo
The phrase seems a bit childish but prophet Passion Java gave it a new lease of life. He has been calling this year, the year of the rat. Of course, people have been quick to catch up with the trend. Java says this phrase a lot of times on his live video sessions
4 Kupedza masports
This is undoubtedly one of the most reffered to phrases of this year. Kupedza masports means that one has outdone all the others or that his work has surpassed that of others. It is a common expression when people are watching an exciting show, video or even sports event and when one emerges the victor they say that person has finished all the sports.
5 Fadza Mutengi
We have to give some credit to Poptain and Allanah for making this phrase popular. Fadza mutengi symbolises the fact that you have to make a good impression on the people that support you or simply put you have to know where your bread is buttered. This came out of Poptain and Allanah’s song with the same title