
5 Ways Your Business Can Attract A Younger Clientele

When it comes to business most companies target a clientele that has disposable income to purchase their products and services. While it is known that most high earners tend to be over 40, it’s important for businesses to look to the younger generation. Having a younger client base can build foundations for the longevity  as well as increase the value of the business in the market. The way the new generation often considered as millennials, thinks about business is different. As a business that is looking to attract a new, younger clientele, you have to understand their needs. Compared to the older generations, millennials require more from a business than just gimmicks and spamming their social media timelines. The younger generation require products and services to be about them and influence change in the world. Find out how your business can attract a younger clientele

1. Your brand must be able to make a difference

Young people need businesses to be tools of social change. Companies need to understand that the younger generation isn’t driven by capitalism but more of compassion. If your product or service doesn’t have an ethical bone, then it wont attract a new

2. Business success should strike a balance

A lot of companies tend to focus on how much they can make as opposed to having influence. The average millennial is motivated by purpose. While your business can and should be making money, that money should also be involved in philanthropic work.

3. Authenticity

Like no other demography, the younger generation can tell authenticity. Your company should be able to speak to the younger generation without faking it. It should show a real need to meet their needs without condescending or being manipulative.

4. Engage through social media

Companies need to engage on social media. Most young people spend most of their time on social media hence that’s the best place to find them. Your company’s social media needs to creative, relatable and authentic.


5. Involve young clientele

The younger generation are more than just consumers, they are co creators. Your company needs to be able to consider feedback from their clients. Listen to what they have to say, find out what influences them and how you can incorporate that with what you have to offer.


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