Zimbabwean vendor savagely murdered in Namibia

Police have nabbed 5 people in Namibia after they allegedly assaulted a Zimbabwean vendor to death. The deceased vendor, identified as Hlaisanani Zhou was brutally killed by the five after being accused of stealing a bottle of glue. The ruthless killing has sent chills down the spines of many. The assault occured on Wednesday last week in the city of Otjiwarongo. After the savage killing two of the suspects namely Jonathan Patrick Myburgh and Janie Jansen Van Vuuren went on the run. This resulted in a manhunt by police or the duo. They were eventually arrested together with three other suspects, include two of their employees for the murder of Zhou.
All five suspects appeared before a Magistrate at the Otjiwarongo Magistrates court facing murder charges. It was the state’s case that Myburgh is the owner of a security company that is located in Otjiwarongo, while Jansen is employed at the company as a supervisor. The other two suspects are employed as security guards while the last one is an employee at a shop where Zhou was alleged to have stolen the glue.
The horrific murder has been condemned by most with calls for justice to be done.
Most Zimbabweans living outside the country face such challenges and locals have commended the Namibian police for swiftly reacting to the incident as opposed to just letting it go simply because the victim was not of Namibian nationality. People have been often chastised not to take the law into their own hands as this could lead to dire consequences