Prevention of Eye Strain
There are a number of people who complain of eye strain especially due to studying or spending too much time on the computer. Symptoms of eye strain include itchiness, pain, blurred vision and tiredness. We cannot avoid activities that demand for the use of our eyes, however we can take preventive measures to ensure that we take care of our eyes. Below are tips on how to change your habits and environment to prevent eye strain.
1.Change your computer screen by placing the screen 51cm to 66cm (20 to 26 inches) away from your eyes and a little below eye level.Keep your screen clean and free from dust and smudges. Use a glare filter over your screen.
2. Adjust lighting on your screen as well as staying away from sunlight when using your computer.
3. Use an adjustable chair.
4. Use the 20-20-20 rule whereby every 20 minutes you look away at least 20 feet in front of you for 20 seconds.
5. Blink and take regular breaks from the computer.
6. Do not read in direct sunlight or poor lighting.
7. Take breaks when studying or reading.
8. Do not watch television for prolonged periods.
9. Apply a washcloth soaked in warm water to tired, dry eyes.
10. Use a humidifier indoors to prevent the eyes from drying up.