Reasons why breakfast is really important
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Unfortunately, many of us don’t take this message to heart, making breakfast the most frequently skipped meal. You have heard this lot of times and still ask the question why it is the most important meal of the day. Well if you want to stay fit, happy and strong the answer is yes breakfast is the important meal of the day. We all have plenty of reasons and excuses to skip breakfast: saying you not hungry, too busy, eating early makes your stomach upset.
The time is now for you to forget about those excuses. Breakfast is key in helping you slim down, build muscle and maintain energy all day long. Here are a few reasons why breakfast is important.
It’s Been Way Too Long since You’ve Last Eaten
When you wake up your stomach is completely empty. You spend at least 6 hours with no food going in to your body that means you’re actually hungry and it also means your body is ready to take in all of the nutrients you can give it. If you miss breakfast, you could go up to 18 hours without putting anything in your body and that’s unhealthy for everyone.
People who eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight
Eating a solid meal in the morning helps you maintain your blood sugar all day long. This helps to keep you from over eating or snacking on junk food. Try to load your breakfast with more protein and fat and less carbs.
More Brain Power and Productivity
We’re sure you’ve heard it in a few cereal commercials already, but it’s actually true. Eating a good breakfast will help to improve your performance and your concentration for the entire day. If you don’t eat breakfast, you are sending your brain in to comprehend all of your work with an empty stomach, and you can’t expect much to come from that scenario.
You need a healthy breakfast for that energy burst that makes your brain work properly. Whether you’re at work or taking a test, it’s crucial that your thinker is fed.
If You Skip Breakfast, You’ll Make Bad Choices
Not starting your day off right with a healthy, filling breakfast leads to bad decision making food-wise for the rest of the day. You’re more likely to pick up unhealthy foods that you can get fast if you’re in a state of semi-starvation.
Breakfast Kick Starts Your Metabolism
Eating breakfast is what gets your metabolism going for the day, and helps your body regulate your food intake and weight.
Breakfast Foods Are Awesome
What other time of day can you enjoy pancakes, bacon, muffins, or fantastic hot cereals? Breakfast foods are seriously the best of the day.
Breakfast Sets the Tone for Your Day
Which is why you don’t want to race out the door without anything in your stomach, past your family members, and not connecting. You’re going to feel rushed and empty the rest of the day.
Breakfast Puts You in a Good Mood
Eating breakfast makes you less irritable. You need those blood glucose levels to even out, and your breakfast is the meal for that particular job. Healthy blood glucose levels mean you won’t be so cranky.
It’s the Best Time of Day to Drink Coffee
If you indulge in coffee or other caffeinated drinks any time other than the morning, you risk not getting enough sleep due to an interrupted sleep cycle. So use breakfast as your excuse to enjoy those lattes and cappuccinos.
Breakfast Food Is Inexpensive
Unlike a steak dinner, breakfast foods cost much less than other meals of the day. So eat up without worrying about your wallet!
However remember to eat a healthy breakfast it sets the stage for developing a healthy lifestyle. A healthy breakfast should consist of a variety of foods including complex carbs, lean proteins, and good fats such as olive oil or a few slices of avocado on your bread. Choose one item from at least three of the following four food groups:
Dairy: Non- or low-fat cheese, milk, yogurt, cheese
Fruits and vegetables: Fresh whole fruits and vegetables (Yes, veggies at breakfast—think omelettes or breakfast wraps!).
Grains: Whole-grain rolls, bread, cereals or muffins
Protein: Eggs, chicken, smoked salmon
Fat: Olive oil, nuts, seeds, avocado