Passion Java smitten by the lady in his life

Passion Java is known to brag about his lifestyle and assets. His recent post, however, revealed another side to the controversial man of cloth. Java said some really sweet words about his wife Lilly.
Java said,”Real women are not possessive or controlling they don’t go through your phone asking who is this o who are you talking to, they lower their heads consistently praying that you don’t fall. I thank God for my wife Lilly”. The cute message showed just how head over heels is in love the preacher is.
Most men agreed with Java and said women ought to lay low in marriages. They said a prayerful woman is more appealing than one who is constantly nagging. Lilly, according to Java, is the proverbs 31 woman of his dreams.
Others that have had the privilege to converse with Lilly said indeed she is a humble person. Passion and his wife often travel together and are daunting parents to their kids.
Passion might have stirred controversy with his strange diction and outspoken character that is regarded as a deviation from his calling as a pastor but his relationship with his wife has always been commended. His role as a husband has never been questioned. His wife is a clear example of someone that is happy and well taken care of.
The two are resident in the USA with their kids. Lilly is the opposite of he loud spoken husband. She is quiet and simple. Well we guess that is why the man of God is so smitten