40 International Scholarships & Grants For Zimbabwean Women 2015

Here is a list of 40 International Scholarships Zimbabwean Women Can Apply For In 2015
MMMF Grants for Women Studying in South Africa
The Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund (MMMF) grants will be offered for
female students from developing countries who are currently studying in
South Africa at the University of Pretoria, the University of Cape
Town, University of Stellenbosch or the University of Witwatersrand
Previous Deadline 19 August
Wangari Maathai Scholarship Funds for Kenyan Women– Undergraduate
The Wangari Maathai Scholarship Fund is an
environmental innovations fund set up in memory of Prof. Wangari Maathai
that is aimed at developing action-oriented young people with strong
values and commitment to the conservation of the physical and social
environment in Kenya. In this first year, the tertiary education
scholarship will be awarded to a young woman aged 18 to 25 years, who
has demonstrated passion and personal commitment to environmental
Previous Deadline 30th November
JAUW International Fellowships Programme for Women
The Japanese Association of University Women currently announced its
International Fellowships Programme for women who are carrying out or
would like to carry out independent research or advanced study at
postgraduate level in Japan.
Previous Deadline April 10
AAUW International Fellowship for Women, Masters & Doctoral program in USA
AAUW International Fellowships are awarded for
full-time study or research in the United States to women who are not
U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Both graduate and postgraduate
studies at accredited U.S. institutions are supported.
Previous deadline December 1
WAAW Foundation Scholarship for African Women
The Working to Advance African Women (WAAW) foundation aim to increase the pipeline of African women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) related disciplines, and work to ensure that this talent is engaged in African innovation. WAAW Foundation offers Annual Scholarship program for Undergraduate African female students.
Previous deadline 30 October
Schlumberger Foundation Fellowship Grant for Women from Developing countries
The Faculty of the Future Leader offers PhD & PostDoctoral
Fellowship for Women from Developing Countries and emerging economies
sponsored by the Schlumberger Foundation.
Application Deadline November 16
Microsoft Research Graduate Women’s Scholarships, USA
The Microsoft Research Graduate Women’s Scholarship is a one-year
scholarship program for outstanding women graduate students and is
designed to help increase the number of women pursuing a PhD. This
program supports women in the second year of their graduate studies.
Previous deadline October 16
Women in Aviation Scholarships for International Students
To be eligible to apply for the Women in Aviation scholarship,
scholarship applicants must be a member of Women in Aviation,
Previous Deadline November 12
Makerere University offers Undergraduate Scholarships for Female Students, Uganda
The Makerere University Female Scholarship Foundation (FSF) was
launched in November 2010 as a continuation of the Makerere University
Female Scholarship Initiative (FSI).
Previous deadline 17 August
The Conchita Poncini Jimenez Human Rights Fellowship for women by the
International Federation of University Women (IFUW) will be awarded for
advanced research, an internship or study related to the use of human
rights instruments and agreements for the advancement of women.
Previous deadline June 30
Switzerland- Nestle MBA Scholarships for Women Developing Countries
The Nestlé Scholarship for Women was first awarded in 1997 and was
initiated by a group of IMD- Switzerland- MBA (Masters in Business
Administration) participants who desired to encourage women to take the
MBA courses. Preference are given to women from developing countries.
Previous deadline 30 September
UNESCO-L’OREAL International Fellowships for Women from Developing Countries in Life Sciences
UNESCO -L’OREAL international Fellowships Programme for Young
Women from Developing Countries in research developments in the
field of life sciences: biology, biochemistry, biotechnology,
agriculture, medicine, pharmacy and physiology in France and abroad.
Previous deadline 15 July
ESMT Germany African Scholarships for Full MBA Applicants
ESMT is offering a number of merit-based scholarships for applicants
to the Full-time MBA program commencing January and the Executive MBA
program beginning October.
Postgraduate Training Fellowships for Women Scientists from Sub-Saharan Africa and LDC
Delta State Government Scholarship Scheme for female students
Applications are invited for five places in the Delta State
Government Scholarship Scheme for female students, tenable at SMC,
Pan-African University, for the programme PGD in Media & Communication (Journalism Stream).
Previous Deadline May 31
Campbell Fellowship for Women Scholar-Practitioners from Developing Nation
The Vera R. Campbell Foundation funded Fellowship is offered for
female postdoctoral social scientist from a developing country whose
work addresses women’s economic and social empowerment in that nation.
Previous deadline 1 November
PEO International Peace Scholarship fund for Women – USA and Canada
The PEO International Peace Scholarship Fund is a program of Women
helping women reach for the stars. The fund provides scholarships for
selected women from other countries for graduate study in the United
States and Canada.
Previous deadline December 15 and April 1
Deutsche Bank Scholarships for Women at London Business School
The Deutsche Bank scholarship is award to four MBA and Masters in
Finance female students in the AMOUNT of £20,000 each. These extremely
generous awards are designed to enable talented women with an interest
in the finance sector to study at London Business School.
Previous deadline 18 April
African Guest Researchers’ Scholarship Programme, Sweden
Africa Guest Researcher Scholarships at Nordic Africa Institute
(NAI), Sweden for African Researchers /Scholars 2013 – With preference
to Women Researchers.
Previous deadline 1 April
Dorothy Marchus Senesh Fellowship For Women From Developing Countries in USA
The International Peace Research Association Foundation (IPRA), USA
invites applications for the Dorothy Marchus Senesh Fellowship for Women
from Developing Countries in Peace and Development Studies
VCU Undergraduate Scholarship for the Advancement of Women USA
The VCU (Virginia Commonwealth University) Scholarship Award for the
Advancement of Women is sponsored by the VCU Department of Business
Services through proceeds generated by the sale of class rings and
graduation-related items through the Jostens Company.
Previous deadline: 21 February
SAWISE Hope Scholarship for South African Women in Science and Technology
The Association of South African Women in Science and Engineering
(SAWISE) and The Hope Network invites female students entering their
Honours level/ 4th year of study to apply for the SAWISE Hope
Previous deadline: 30 November
Angus SA WISE Scholarship for Sub-Saharan African Woman
The Association of South African Women in Science and Engineering (SA
WISE) is a dynamic association for all those who support the idea of
strengthening the role of women in science and engineering in South
Africa. Each year SA WISE awards the Angus Scholarship to a Sub-Saharan
black woman graduate with 70% or above grade average in her subject of
Previous deadline 30 November
Women in Business Scholarship by ENPC School of International Management, France
The ENPC School of International Management offers a specific
scholarship scheme to those female candidates who demonstrate an
outstanding leadership potential and a rich business experience.
Previous deadline 23 September
Leadership and Advocacy for Women in Africa (LAWA) Fellowship Program
The Leadership and Advocacy for Women in Africa (LAWA) Fellowship
Program was founded in 1993 at the Georgetown University Law Center in
Washington, D.C., in order to train women’s human rights lawyers from
Africa who are committed to returning home to their countries in order
to advance the status of women and girls in their own countries
throughout their careers.
OSISA Scholarship for SADC Women Media Leaders at Rhodes University, South Africa
South African Women Media Leaders who wish to study media management
and leadership at the Rhodes University’s Sol Plaatje Institute (SPI),
South Africa for Media Leadership are invited to apply for postgraduate
scholarships offered by the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa
Previous deadline 30 September
INSEAD Alumni Fund (IAF) Women’s Scholarships
The scholarship seeks bright, dynamic and motivated women who are
making significant achievements in their professional and/or personal
Deadline 11 February and 18 August each year
Jane M Klausman Women In Business Scholarship
The Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship program helps
women pursue undergraduate and Master’s degrees in business management
and overcome gender barriers from the classroom to the boardroom.
Previous deadline: 1 July
Fondation Rainbow Bridge MBA Scholarship for Women from Africa and Asia
The Fondation Rainbow Bridge will enable young women scholars to
enrich their academic background by obtaining an HEC MBA in France. This
scholarship is available for women from Asian or African countries
affected by natural disasters, drought or famine.
Annual Deadline: June and November
UNESCO-Japan Research Fellowship for Women in Developing Countries
The Government of Japan offers 20 fellowships per year, to deserving
candidates from UNESCO developing countries, especially the least
developed countries (LDCs), who are eager to undertake research on one
or more of the topics listed below.
Previous deadline 13 January
Zawadi Africa Education Fund Undergraduate Scholarship for Women- in Partnership with Google
The Zawadi Africa Education Fund is a program designed to provide
undergraduate scholarships to academically gifted girls/ women from
disadvantaged backgrounds from Africa to pursue higher education in the
IFUW International Scholarship for Women- Fellowships and Grants
The International Federation of University Women offers a limited
number of international fellowships and grants to women graduates for
postgraduate research, study and training. Applicants may be of any
Deadline between August and mid-September
Forté Foundation MBA Fellows for Women
Forté Foundation offers fellowships to women who are pursuing a
full-time, part-time or executive MBA education at participating
business schools. Forté Foundation Fellowships are intended to increase
the number of women applying to and enrolling in MBA programs. Students
of all nationalities are eligible for consideration.
The Global Fund for Women supports women’s groups that advance the
human rights of women and girls. The Organization strengthen women’s
right groups based outside the United States by providing small,
flexible, and timely grants ranging from $500 to $30,000 for operating
and program expenses.
Applications are accepted throughout the year and grants awarded every three months.
Source: After School Africa