7th FEMRITE Regional Residency 2017 for African Women Writers

FEMRITE is delighted to announce the call for submissions for the 7th Regional Residency for African Women Writers which will be co-hosted with Karavan, a Swedish literary magazine, with support from the Swedish Institute.

The 10-day writing residency will take place, in Kampala, in February 2018. The 10 selected writers will re-work their submitted manuscripts, participate in peer reviewing of work(s)-in-progress, receive feedback from mentors, participate in a public reading, share information on writing, and work with selected schools to start reading and writing projects.
Eligibility Requirements:
Any African woman writer who lives on the continent, is working on a novel or memoir manuscript, writes in English and hasn’t published more than one book, can apply.
The residency will cover your return air ticket, accommodation, and meals for the period of the residency.
What you need to submit:
- An extract from a novel or memoir manuscript that you would like to re-work during the residency (Maximum 5000 words)
- A short story for publication in the residency anthology (minimum 3000 words)
- Biography (150 words or less)
- A passport-size photo
- Send the documents as .docx attachments. (Use Times New Roman font, size 12, 1.5 spacing.)
Application Deadline: 15th July 2017
Apply now for the 7th Regional Residency for African Women Writers here.