Application for Student-Athlete 2018 Cohort

Calling all budding Student-Athletes in Lower or Upper 6! The EdMatters team has launched another intake for a student-athlete cohort to begin next year. If you or someone you know is a high achieving athlete and a solid academic student please apply on the following link for a chance to be selected for the 2018 cohort.
The cohort will provide hands-on assistance through the US college application process and will include a combination of workshops and one on one sessions to help student-athlete applicants navigate the college athlete application process. The cohort will be limited to 30 students, qualified athletes are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.
We limited the 2017 cohort to 25 top student-athletes across sporting disciplines who are currently studying for A level. The criteria to apply for cohort membership are:
- Students are in good academic standing with solid O levels and pass in all subjects who are in L6 or U6.
- Students are highly accomplished in their sport, having reached Provincial or National level.
- Students accepted into the cohort must register as EducationUSA members at their local EducationUSA office in Harare, Bulawayo, Gweru or Mutare.
- Students are not working with any other agents or consultants on their sports scholarship process.
For more information, visit our Student-Athlete Cohort page.