Applications open for the Techwomen 2020 program.

Applications are now open for the 2020 Techwomen program. The US based program brings together women leaders in Science, technology, engineering and Maths from around the world with their professional counterparts in the US for a mentorship exchange program. The 5 week Techwomen program gives women access to networks, resources and knowledge to empower them to reach their full potential in STEM. It is no secret that the STEM industry is male dominated. The program therefore plays a crucial role in closing the gender gap.
Eligibility recquirements are as follows:
1. Interested candidates must be women with, at minimum, two years full time professional experience in the STEM fields. Internship and other unpaid work does not count toward the two year requirement.
2. Must have, at minimum, a bachelor’s degree. A four year university degree.
3. Must be proficient in written and spoken English.
4. Must be citizens and permanent residents in Cameroon, Algeria, Kenya,Nigeria,Rwanda,South Africa,Morocco and Zimbabwe.
5 Must be elligible to obtain a US J-I exchange visitor visa