All set for Ginimbi all white send off party

The stage is set for a massive farewell party to honour the late business man Genius Kadungure mostly referred to as Ginimbi. The flamboyant socialite loved to throw all white parties during his days and some.of his esteemed friends and colleagues have found it befitting to give him one huge all white party send off.
Ginimbi died in a horrific car crash along Borrowdale road in the early hours of Sunday morning. Three other people who were travelling with hims also died on the spot namely Moana, Karim and Alichia. It is alleged that Ginimbi tried to overtake a blue Honda fit with his Rolls Royce resulting in a collision. His car was later to burst into flames.
The party will be held at Ginimbi’s Domboshava mansion on the 14th of November. The dress code is strictly all white just as the business man would have asked for. All enquires are to be directed to his manager Ms Shally. The party is set to attract hoards of celebrities and international associates just like in the past. The only naked reality is that the man himself, known for his love of partying will not be present to party with his friends.
Ginimbi died after attending a party to celebrate Moana’s birthday. Although there have been rumours circulating on social media about the ritualistic nature of these all white parties, his close friends have rubbished such claims. Many theories are being articulated on social media about the source of Ginimbi’s wealth with speculation being high that he actually used black magic to acquire his various expensive assets.
Ginimbi is expected to be buried over the weekend in his custom made Versace coffin