Mo Ibrahim Foundation Leadership Fellowship Program 2018

The Ibrahim Leadership Fellowships form a selective programme designed to mentor future African leaders. Through this annual fellowship programme, we seek to deepen and broaden our growing network which continues to contribute its skills and learning to a better Africa.

The Fellowships offer the opportunity to work in the executive offices of either the AfDB (Abidjan), UNECA (Addis Ababa) or the ITC (Geneva).
Eligibility criteria
- National of an African country
- 7-10 years of relevant work experience
- master’s degree
- under the age of 40, or 45 for women with children
- any additional criteria as set by the host.
- The International Trade Centre (ITC) Mo Ibrahim Leadership Fellowship 2018
Deadline for Application: 15 October 2017 (midnight Geneva time)
Entry date: May 2018
Duration of Fellowship: One year
Location: International Trade Centre, Geneva, Switzerland
The Office of the Executive Director provides strategic leadership for the development and management of the organization. It coordinates the corporate work programme through preparation and monitoring of the Centre’s Business Plan and the key functions of evaluation, resource mobilization and corporate communications.
- This Fellowship opportunity at ITC is in collaboration with the Mo Ibrahim Foundation.
- Established in 2006 the Mo Ibrahim Foundation aims to support good governance and great leadership in Africa. The Foundation works to:
- Stimulate debate on good governance;
- Provide criteria by which citizens and governments can measure progress;
- Recognize achievement in African leadership and provide a practical way in which leaders can build positive legacies on the continent when they have left office;
- Support aspiring leaders for the African continent.
- The Fellowship offers a mentorship experience with the Executive Director and Deputy Executive Director of ITC to prepare young Africans for leadership of major organizations and multilateral institutions.
Application Deadline: 15 October 2017
For more information visit here