Institutions Offering Training in Zimbabwe

Most of the young people in Zimbabwe lack skill and knowledge that they need to change their lives because of the economic situation in Zimbabwe. Through vocational training centers students are trained in different fields giving them skills to use whether they choose to start their own business or seek employment.

WASHINGTON (March 5, 2010) Cmdr. Jim Grove, from the Office of Naval Research Navy Reserve Program 38, left, helps tudents from McKinley Technology High School make adjustments to their robot during the For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology regional Washington, D.C. competition. The team, coached by Grove, is sponsored by the Office of Naval Research. (U.S. Navy photo by John F. Williams/Released)
Check out some the institutions around Zimbabwe that offer training to the youth.
ICDIT Community Training College
ICDIT specializes in training corporate and private students to international standards and helps them achieve the very best international certification available. The college also have a charity IT training available for the less privileged and vulnerable community. Click here for their official page
Biomedical Research & Training Institute
BRTI’s mission is to promote health and quality of life of African people through research and training in the field of bio-medicine. The institution strives to become a center for excellence in the health research and training in Africa. Click here for their official page
Telone Center for Learning
Telone boasts of an internationally recognized center for learning in the form of training college that offers Diploma and Certificate studies in Information & Communication Technology (ICT). The college runs a mixed mode system of training in all regions in Zimbabwe and offer online courses for students living outside of Harare. Click here for their official page
Ponesai Vanhu Technical College
The college gives the youth vocational training which qualifies them to solve technical tasks and introduce new solutions in their communities. Ponesai vanhu offers courses in horticulture, business studies and motor mechanics, the students can opt for employment or creating self employment after graduation. Click here for their official page
Mupfure Self Help College
Mupfure Self Help College is a vocational training institute whose main objective is to equip students with technical skills in various fields, which includes leather technology i.e training and manufacturing of leather products. Click here for official page
Westgate Industrial Training College
Westgate Industrial Training College was set up to address the needs of industry by training and providing skills through efficient utilization of technologies in order to improve industrial productivity. Click here for their official page
Msasa Industrial Training College
MITC aims at producing world class industrial and technopreneurial skills to students who have not yet acquired the skilled workers class status. Click here for their official page