Invitation open for applications to train as secondary school science teachers:January 2020

Applications are invited for those who wish to train as Secondary school teachers for Biology,Physics,Chemistry and Mathematics for January 2020 at Marymount Teachers College. It is a three year diploma in Education (Secondary course).
The following combinations are available:
1. Pure mathematics and applied Mathematics
2. Chemistry and Biology
3. Chemistry and physics
To qualify one must have passed a minimum of 5 O Level subjects including English, Mathematics and Science with a grade C or better with strong passes in the preffered subject of specialisation. A level passes in the preffered subject combinations are anadded advantage. Application letters accompanied by photocopies of academic certificates and National I.D can be physically deposited at the college reception or sent by mail to :
The Principal Attention:Selection Committee Marymount Teachers College P.O Box 20 Mutare. Applications closing date 13 December 2019