5 common summer ailments and how to treat them.

1 Food Poisoning Symptoms typically come on within four hours. Vomiting and diarrhoea can occur together or separately. When the vomiting subsides, give plenty of water or non fizzy drinks in frequent small sips. Rehydration satchets are ideal if you have them.
2. Bee Stings
Bees are not as aggressive as wasps and can bite when accidentally squashed. It is the venom that causes the pain and swelling. If you can see the sting, carefully scrape it away ising your fingernails. After that apply an ice pack as this will help reduce swelling and ease the pain. Do not try to remove the sting with tweezers. The sting may have a venom sack and using tweezers may squeeze the venom into the patient. However, if the swelling increases and the person feels dizzy call an ambulance.
3. Heat exhaustion
Signs of heat exhaustion include feeling thirsty, having a headache and cramps in the abdomen. It happens when one becomes dehydrated and fails to produce sweat which cools us down. Get the patient out of direct sunshine and remove any excess clothing. You may leave just one thin layer. Ideally give them an isotonic drink or water in small sips. Like them down with legs raised to send blood to the brain to reduce dizziness.Do not let them gulp lots of water quickly as this may overload their system making them even more dehydrated.
4. Burns
Usually happen during braai. Place the burnt area under cold running water for at least ten minutes. This will take the heat out of the skin and stop damage to the lower layers. If there is no water use whatever cool liquid you have to your hand. After ten minutes wrap your hand in cling wrap. Do not use creams, lotions or butter as they are as good as water. Young children or the elderly must receive swift medical attention.
5 Nosebleeds
The tiny blood vessels lining the noseare fragile so a blow to the nose or repeated squeezing can cause a nosebleed.Tip your head forward to allow the blood to run out of your nose. Next pinch the soft part of your nose for around ten minutes, a clot should form. If blood is still flowing repeat the process for another ten minutes. Do not til your head back as blood may flow down your throat btherbey causing you to vomit