Opportunity For Zimbabweans: Consultant For External End Of Project Evaluation In Zimbabwe

Organization: GOAL
Consultation For External End Of Project Evaluation In Zimbabwe
Goal Zimbabwe Organization is seeking an external consultant to assess the impact generated by the DFID funded Community Centred Prevention of Malnutrition (CCPM) project which has been implemented since March 2013 and is due to end in February 2016.
This assignment mainly focuses on conducting a final evaluation to identify achievements against planned goals, knowledge from the program intervention documenting best practices and key lessons for internal use as well as wider circulation to external stakeholders.
To Apply:
Visit https://www.goalglobal.org/tenders for Request for Offer and Terms of Reference
Offers can be submitted in two ways:
1. Submit offers by email to: [email protected]
Subject heading should include the following reference: GOALZIM-HRE-DFID-995′ Consultant for External end of Project Evaluation in Zimbabwe.
2. Offers can also be submitted in hard copy to the following address. Pleases ensure ‘GOALZIM-HRE-DFID-995′ is clearly marked on the outer envelope.
73 Harare Drive
Mt Pleasant
P.O Box 4370