Opportunity For Zimbabwean Youth:The Internet.org Innovation Challenge

Opportunity For Zimbabwean Youth:The Internet.org Innovation Challenge
The Internet.org Innovation Challenge in Africa supports Internet.org’s vision of a connected world. To this end, the goal of the Challenge is to recognize individuals and organizations that are working on internet-based solutions to promote education and economic empowerment in countries throughout Africa. The Challenge will encourage the development of apps, websites and online services that provide real value for people under the following pillars:
(1) Learning/Education: Apps, websites or online services that make use of technology to inspire and deliver learning
(2) Economic Empowerment: Apps, websites or online services that help to advance the economic strength and ability of communities
One Innovation Challenge Award prize in the amount of $150,000 USD will be presented to the app, website or service that the judges determine best meets the needs of each of the two categories: Learning/Education and Economic Empowerment (2 awards total). Each of the Innovation Challenge Award winners will also be eligible to receive more than $60,000 USD in tools and services from FbStart, a Facebook program designed to help early stage mobile startups build and grow their apps.
In addition, two Impact Award prizes in the amount of $50,000 USD will be presented to two apps, websites or services designed for each of the two pillars (4 awards total).
We will begin accepting entries on December 1, 2015. All entries must be received by May 1, 2016. Winners will be announced in September 2016.
Please review the Internet.org Innovation Challenge rules carefully before entering.
Request a copy by emailing [email protected].
Please send a signed copy of the rules to [email protected] in addition to your application.