Opportunity For Zimbabwean Youth:University of Bologna Study Grants for International Students

Opportunity For Zimbabwean Youth:University of Bologna Study Grants for International Students
University of Bologna
Bachelors/Masters Degree
Deadline: 31 Mar 2016 (annual)
Study in: Italy
Course starts September 2016
Brief description:
The University of Bologna awards 40 study grants to deserving international students who wish to register for First, Single, and Second Cycle Degree Programmes at the University of Bologna for A.Y. 2016/2017.
Host Institution(s):
University of Bologna, Italy
Field(s) of study:
First, Single, and Second Cycle Degree Programmes offered at the University.
Number of Scholarships:
40 scholarships: 8 for First Cycle and Single Cycle degree programmes and 32 for Second Cycle degree programmes
Target group:
International students whose qualifications were obtained in an institution outside of the Italian education system
Scholarship value/duration:
Each study grant amounts to a total of €11,059 and is awarded for one academic year.
Application is open exclusively to candidates who are in possession of all the following requirements:
1) the qualifications for admission to the chosen First, Single or Second Cycle degree programme were obtained in an institution outside of the Italian education system, after at least two years of attendance. If the qualification for admission is a one year title, the prior qualification will be considered too. Qualifications issued by institutions of the Republic of San Marino do not satisfy this condition. Applicants’ citizenship is not considered;
2) they fulfil the access requirements foreseen for the chosen degree programme or will fulfil such requirements at the time of registration;
3) they are not students at the University of Bologna of First, Single or Second Cycle degree programmes.
4) they have not already benefited from the study grant Unibo Action 2.
5) they are not 30 years or older on the deadline of this call.
You will also need to sit one of the following tests by the application deadline:
– SAT (if you are interested in registering in a First or Single Cycle Degree Programme)
– GRE (if you are interested in registering in a Second Cycle Degree Programme)
Application instructions:
Applications must be submitted from 20 January 2016 at 12.00 pm to 31 March 2016 at 5.00 pm (CET), exclusively via Studenti Online as explained in the call for applications.
It is important to read the 2016/17 Call for Applications and visit the official website (link found below) to access the online application system and for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.
Official Scholarship Website: http://www.unibo.it/en/services-and-opportunities/study-grants-and-subsidies/grants-for-international-students-unibo-action2