Opportunity For Zimbabwean Youth: TWAS-Lenovo Science Prize

Opportunity For Zimbabwean Youth: TWAS-Lenovo Science Prize
The TWAS-Lenovo Science Prize is one of the most prestigious honours given to scientists from the developing world. In 2016 the prize will be given for outstanding achievements in Chemical Sciences. The winner receives USD100,000.
Deadline : 16 May 2016
Eligible Nominees : All developing Countries
Field : Chemical Sciences
Age Limit: None
Nominations are invited from TWAS members, selected individuals, as well as from science academies, national research councils, universities and scientific institutions. Nominations of women scientists are particularly encouraged. Self-nominations and nominations from jury members will not be accepted.
Candidates must be nationals of a developing country and must have lived and worked in a developing country for the last 10 years. The prizes will only be awarded to individuals for scientific research of outstanding international merit carried out at institutions in developing countries. Individuals who have received the Nobel Prize, the Tokyo/Kyoto Prize, the Crafoord Prize or the Abel Prize are not eligible for the TWAS-Lenovo Science Prize. Jury members and previous winners of the Trieste Science Prize (also administered by TWAS) will not be eligible for the TWAS-Lenovo Science Prize
The evaluation and selection will be carried out by an authoritative international jury chaired by the TWAS president and including a representative from Lenovo.
TWAS-Lenovo Science Prize
TWAS Secretariat
ICTP Campus, Strada Costiera 11
34151 Trieste, Italy
Phone: +39 040 2240 387
Fax: +39 040 22407387
Email:[email protected]