Opportunity For Zimbabwean Youth : Young Lions Health Award

Opportunity For Zimbabwean Youth : Young Lions Health Award
Entry Criteria
- Young professionals working in advertising agencies should be 30 years old and under (born on or after 25 June 1985)
- Young professionals working in client organisations should be 30 years old and under (born on or after 25 June 1985)
- Please note that you will not be able to amend your competition entry once it has been submitted
- All the information needs to be in English
- Competition entries are individual or in teams of two
- Entrants can only enter once either as a team or individually
- Students are not allowed to enter the competition
In order to proceed with the submission of your entry please ensure you hold the following information in advance:
PDF of entrant(s)
Letter of employment
Signed by line manager with company header, address and line manager’s contact details (for full-time employment, sent as pdf) OR Reference letter by client with company header, address and contact details (if applicant is freelancer, sent as pdf)
Competition entry require format:
A presentation film (max. 3 minutes in length, mp4 or mov) OR up to 8 images as 1 combined file (pdf, PowerPoint, jpeg). Please ensure you submit all the necessary documents. Failure to do so may result in your entry not being accepted.
The deadline
25 March 2016