Former president Mugabe dies.

The former president of Zimbabwe, Robert Gabriel Mugabe has passed away. He was aged 95. The veteran former statesman breathed his last in a hospital in Singapore where he had gone to seek medical attention. Muabe had been ill for some time.
Mugabe was the first president of Zimbabwe after attaining independence. He ruled from 1980 up until 2017 when he was ousted from power. During his tenure, he embarked on the land reform programme which saw the seizure of land from white farmers. Mugabe was renowned for his catchy remarks about white supremacy and at one time advised Tony Blair to keep his England as he would keep his Zimbabwe.
The former president is survived by his wife Grace and three children.Tributes have been pouring in worldwide with most people celebrating the life of the former war veteran. Mugabe was once jailed during the colonial days. Most people are already calling for him to bestowed with hero status.
Several celebrities have been penning down heartfelt messages of condolence to the nation. These include Buffalo Souljah who said that artits will continue mentioning the former president in their songs.
Mugabe was also famous for her excellent command of the English language. He had numerous degrees and PhD’s to his name.