Skoll MBA Scholarships in Social Entrepreneurship 2018

Applications are now been accepted for the 2018/2019 Skoll MBA Scholarships in Social Entrepreneurship at Said Business School, University of Oxford.
The Skoll Scholarship is a competitive scholarship for coming MBA students to the University Oxford who pursue entrepreneurial solutions for urgent social and environmental challenges.
The scholarship provides funding and exclusive opportunities t meet with world—renowned entrepreneurs, thought leaders and investors.
Receive exclusive opportunities to meet with world-renowned entrepreneurs, thought-leaders, and investors
Take your social impact to the next level
Gain professional leadership and business skills
Become part of the Skoll Scholar community, a group of leaders who are positively impacting the world through innovation and systems change
By the time the candidates apply for the MBA, they must have spent preferably at least 3 years either:
starting and growing a social venture;
OR leading a major expansion of an existing social venture or programme within an organisation;
OR pursuing positive change as an impact career professional, i.e. someone who has used entrepreneurial approaches to address the same social/environmental issue, with a clear core thread that unites his/her work.
In each of these 3 cases, candidates should be able to describe the outcomes/impact that has been created as a result of their work.
DEADLINE: January 5 2018
To apply and for more information visit here