Zimbabwean Companies And Organizations Offering Yearly Scholarships

These are some of the local companies and organizations offering yearly scholarships to Zimbabweans.
1. Higherlife Foundation – The Joshua Nkomo Scholarship Fund
The Joshua Nkomo Scholarship Fund (JNSF) was established in 2005, as a Scholarship Fund focused on the identification and development of academic talent in Zimbabwe. The vision of the Fund is “Provide a platform for people to fulfill their God given purpose”. Students on the Joshua Nkomo Scholarship program are offered full scholarship to study from Lower Sixth to tertiary and, are equipped with intensive leadership skills and career guidance.
2. Girl Child Network (GCN) – PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS Scholarships
Headquartered in the township of Chitungwiza, just outside Harare
Over 300 Girls Clubs with a membership of over 20,000 girls between the ages of 5-16, living in both rural and urban areas throughout the country.
provides school fees to girls whose families cannot afford to send them to school, and membership in the Girls Clubs where counseling, peer-to-peer support, leadership training, and HIV/AIDS prevention education take place.
3. Phoenix Fund for Zimbabwe
To provide a source of financial assistance for Zimbabwean exiles in the UK who wish to pursue professional development courses or vocational training that will equip them to participate in rebuilding the economy and institutions of Zimbabwe.
4. Crosby Scholarship Fund for Theological Education in Zimbabwe
The Crosby Scholarship Fund for Theological Education in Zimbabwe was established as a Wider Church Ministries endowment fund in 2008 at the request of the New Hampshire Conference of the United Church of Christ in honor of The Reverend Benjamin C. L. Crosby, a Conference Minister of the New Hampshire Conference of the United Church of Christ from 1991 through 2002. Reverend Crosby, along with others in New Hampshire, was responsible for the development of a global (Ukama) Partnership between the New Hampshire Conference of the United Church of Christ and the United Church of Christ in Zimbabwe.
5. Zimbabwe Presidential Scholarship
The Presidential Scholarship is for the able but disadvantaged students from rural schools in remote districts. Priority is given to orphans and less privileged applicants.