Harare Derby Called off over Pastor Chris’ Crusade

The anticipated Harare Derby has been called off over Pastor Chris’ crusade. The derby was scheduled for Sunday 7 May at the National Sports Stadium. Scheduled to play were Harare champions CAPS United and Dynamos.

The stadium was booked by Nigerian Pastor Chris Oyakhilome for a special service of his Christ Embassy Ministries set for this Sunday.
The match has been postponed with the venue yet to be announced. The alternative venue Rufaro, is still undergoing renovations.
The National Sports Stadium has hosted five Premiership teams since the beginning of this season after Rufaro was closed for renovations with giants Dynamos, CAPS United, Harare City, Black Rhinos and Yadah having to take turns to host their home matches.
This has left the league without an alternative venue and PSL spokesperson Kudzai Bare said a new date will be announced.