Rumbidzai Takawira Unravels Her Road To Stardom

Zbc news anchor Rumbi Takawira has taken the media industry by storm, attracting the attention of viewers who judging by comments on various social media platforms seem to have been wowed by the calm presenter.
Who is Rumbi Takawira?
Rumbi is a 25 year old female who loves playing drums(I am on my tripple kicks now), does Karate and never planned on being a journalist. Journalism found me, it came by default and I am enjoying my job.W
What school did you go to?
I went to Eaglesvale Primary School and then I went to Eaglesvale High School as well.
You are making waves on Zbc t.v, how did it all happen?
It all started with an audition my dad forced me to go to lol, I was initially doing it for my dad, Ishmael Ndlovu was the one training me, I just felt as if they were calling me for training sessions but the day before Ishmael left ZBC, he told me, “we are launching you today”. I started with radio news, I did that for 3/4’s of the year and then the girl who was reading on Good morning Zimbabwe resigned for her own personal reasons. SO, they needed a replacement, I had been voted best reader on radio, they asked me to do a dummy for t.v and they liked it.
Who is your inspiration?
I don’t know if people remember Noreen Welch! She used to read the news a long time ago when we were still babies. Noreen is now based in New Zealand.
What do you seek to achieve as a T.V personality in the long term?
I am aiming higher, I just don’t want to be a Zimbabwean news presenter, I want to be an international news anchor. I want to be your Quests, they dig deep into issues, business issues, dig deep into what’s going on in Africa. I want to show the African story to the world so I am thinking the CNN’s and BBC’s are where I aspire to be.
Many people say you show composure beyond your age on set, how do you do it?
I think if I had a crowd in front of me I would freak out but I have gotten used to the camera to the point that I feel at home.
How different has it been for you from when you were still unknown to now when you are a t.v personality?
It is hectic to actually be recognised, to get in a combi and people actually recognise you! Haha I am not sure on how to handle the fame or popularity yet so I wear dark glasses and tennis shoes. Furthermore there are certain places I don’t go because I inspire a young girl out there and I think the youth need better role models.
Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?
God told me he has so many big plans for me, so I could say I want to be on CNN but he might want me to own my own CNN. All I can say is I will be international by then.
What are you watching right now?
Devious maids – its a funny series about maids who work for rich people.
The Blacklist – is a series about thieves who are very clever and find a way of getting things without getting caught.
What do you like doing with your time away from work?
Besides training and playing drums, I like playing golf.
I am sure a lot of men out there want to know if you are seeing anyone?
You know the other week there was a huge poster of me in the Sunday Mail and thats when I realised how bad my popularity affected my relationship with my ex.
What do you look for in a man?
I just want someone I click with, someone I can talk to and someone I can sit in silence with and still feel like its the best conversation ever.
Do you have any words for the youth of Zimbabwe?
It’s all about changing your mindset and then taking the first step to achieve what you want. You have to read to prepare yourself for your vision, work hard and take chances. It’s not about how hard you fall its how hard you get up.