Zimbabwean Man Found With A Black Mamba In His Laptop Bag

A 32 year old man of Malawian origin was arrested after he was found with a black mamba in his laptop bag. Grey Mpinganjira confessed to witchcraft.
Mpinganjira admitted to taking over witchcraft from his mother after she died. He is facing charges of possession of a snake without a license.
The man said the snake helps him read problems from people who come to him asking for help. “These snakes were kept by our mother and since I was helping her in healing processions, our uncles gave them to me when my mother died”, he said.
Grey says the snake feeds on human blood and his three sisters have died because of it though he refuses to get rid of it saying it’s part of his family.
Mpinganjira thinks everyone who finds it wrong is misinformed. The snake has since been confiscated by the national parks authorities but Mpinganjira warns it will find its way back to him.