Celebrity News

Nox releases ‘Im in love’ video.

Urban grooves singer Nox has released his new video titled I’m in love. The latest offering also features his fiancee Tadzo who is based in the U.K. Nox was supposed to have released the video a few weeks ago but deliberately delayed it’s release in order to pave way for Trevor D and Andy Muridzo to release their own video titled Mutumbu Nyekete’. Nox had stated that it was not a competition but rather as artists they ought to have a moral code of allowing one video to be enjoyed before another artist releases another.

The video clearly highlights the issues that the singer has had to deal with in his life. The lyrics speak to forgiveness in relationships and the fact that people in love should not lend an ear to those who discourage their union but rather focus on their love for each other. Nox sings about being in love with his woman in spite of past mishaps.

The video was directed by Tennyson Gonoras and has good quality visuals. It starts off with No and his fiancee Tadzo having an argument about issues written in the tabloids about the past. The song however transcends into a love song with Nox professing his love anyway despite all previous issues.

Nox has had his fair share of controvesy in the past. He was once branded as a womaniser and recently a sex tape featuring himself and another woman was leaked. His relationship with Tadzo has however grown stronger by the day in spite of such events popping up.

Nox is one of the pioneers of urban grooves music in Zimbabwe and clearly still manages to maintain his singing career. He has released songs such as Zvandadiwa.

The new video has been receiving positive feedback with people applauding the artist for a job well done

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