Zuva Habane shares her travel experiences.

Zuva Habane recently took to social media to share about her travel experiences. The self confessed “urban tete” is indeed well travelled judging from the images shared. Her travel portfolio has been labelled as inspirational by most people. As it has been said many a times, life is a journey and Zuva seems to have taken the meaning literally. She ought to be one of the most travelled celebs in Zimbabwe. Among her various trips include Paris, China, Dubai, South Africa and Japan.Zuva is full of life and her face is lit in all the pictures that she shared on Instagram. Zuva travels anlot because of her career as an entertainer and brand ambassador as well as for holidays. She is however a regular in Dubai.
Most people expressed that they felt green with envy at seeing Zuva in all those places and also had plans to travel and see the world. With the current passport crisis, the dream will however take long to transcend into reality for many. In the meanwhile, we can’t help but just marvel at Zuva’s impressive life story of travelling.
Zuva is an accomplished MC and brand ambassador. She is known for her sound advice about bedroom stuff. She recently caused a stir on social media with her “yoni eggs” that have become a hit with most ladies.