Knowledge Musona adorned with the Apolo-Jersey

Zimbabwe Warriors captain Knowledge Musona has come under fire from football lovers after yesterday’s Afcon match with Uganda. Musona is said to have missed out on scoring opportunities throughout the match thereby costing the national team a win. The match ended in a one all draw bteewn the two African countries.
People were looking forward to the captain redeeming himself after another poor performance in the match against Egypt where the Warriors lost 1 nil to the hosts. Musona however missed out on several opportunities to put the ball in the net. In spite of well crafted footballing skills, his finishes were poor.
The Warriors desperately needed to win against Uganda in order to enhance their chances of making it into the last 16 teams. The possibility of that happening is now slim considering that Zimbabwe only has 1 point from the two matches they have played so far. They now need to beat DRC with a wide goal margin in order to make it to the final 16.
Musona is said to have put too much energy into his scoring chances. In the 52nd minute, he blew up a scoring opportunity by his overzealous use of energy and the ball hit the cross bar. He has now become the subject of ridicule amongst football fans. A photoshopped picture of himself wearing what is commonly reffered to as the Apolo-Jersey is circulating.
The jersey gained notoriety after former Zanu Pf youth league leader Chipanga wore it on national television as he was tendering an apology for statements that he had made against the then Army commander.