Sweet: Esrom Nyandoro to auction his jerseys for charity

Former warriors player Esrom Nyandoro has joined in the fight against the corona virus. The former footballer is hoping to raise money to donate one million masks to Zimbabwe by auctioning his jerseys. The auction will be done on 27 April 2020
Nyandoro said he will be doing an Instagram live sale of his jerseys so that he can give back to the community. He is aiming to donate at least one million masks to help in the fight against covid 19.
Nyandoro was a seasoned soccer player who led the national team to glory. His football skills were impressive earning him a top spot within the sports fraternity.
Some celebrities have been donating money,goods and essential resources towards easing problems associated with the corona virus. Companies such as Delta and Econet have also been giving out millions to help fight against the virus.
Nyandoro has been hailed as a selfless and kind hearted human being by most people. His cause has been seen as a huge sacrifice. Others went on to reprimand rich people such as Ginimbi and Passion Java for not contributing anything during this time o crisis