Zimbabwean Sasha Zhoya shines in Australia.

16 year old Sasha Zhoya is already breaking world records in Australia. The athlete was born to a Zimbabwean father and his mother is from France. They are based in Australia.
Sasha is yet another budding star to whom Zimbabwrsns are proud of. The fact that he enjoys dual citizenship of France and Australia has been taken as not diminishing his Zimbabwran roots in any way. The young athlete claimed the Audience record in the under 18, 110 metre hurdles recently as well as the under 20, 200 metre hurdles. He also broke the under 18 World record pole vault. The athlete is clearly gifted.
The young athlete is now in a dilemma as both France and Australia are vying for his attention to represent them at the 2020 Olympics. Even Zimbabwe has been said to have communicated their intention to rope him in their Olympic team.
Sasha Zhoya is being reffered to as the next Usain Bolt. At such a tender age he has shown remarkable progress. Sports analysts have professed that they have never seen such talent.