Top 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Android.

1. Android was developed by the company Android Inc in Palo Alto, California.
2. The company was established in October 2003 by founders Andy Rubin, Chris White, Nick Sears and Rich Miner.
3. The founders started the company because they wanted to create a smart mobile device that was more aware of the user’s wants, preference and location.
4. Despite what they had accomplished, they ended up running out of money.
5. Google then bought Android, Inc on August 17 2005.
6. Androids Operating System is based off Linux.
7. Since Google bought Android, the names of the updates are based on delicious desserts i.e 1.5 Cupcake and now they are on the 4.1, Jelly Bean.
8. The very first phone to have Android was the HTC Dream which is also known as the T-Mobile G1.
9. The HTC Dream was released on October 2008.
10. Android has 109 different phones, 60 tablets and 6 eReaders, which is a lot of devices that rely on this Operating System, compared to the 6 iPhones, 5iPods and 4iPads that run on the iOS.