5 baking mistakes you are probably making

Baking can be very daunting for some. The technicalities required to come up with the perfect cake or scone require both skill and concentration. Here are some mistakes that you might be making when baking.
1 Over kneading your dough
This is one of the most common mistakes that people make. There are recipes that require you to work your dough for a considerable amount of time, such as when making bread. There are however instances where overworking the dough will result in a tough cake or muffin. Never work your dough for more time than is stipulated as this will end up with you having a tough and at times rubbery end product. As soon as your ingredients are incorporated move on to the next stage of your recipe.
2 Wrong temperature
There is a solid reason why bakes are done at different temperatures. The temperature for pastries might be different for that of a cake. Most people make the grave mistake of putting on temperature that either too high or too low resulting in undesired results.
3 Putting more than is necessary
Where a recipe calls for half a teaspoon of salt or a cup of sugar, it is best to stick to that measurement. Doubling ingredient portions or putting less than what is required will up alter the whole recipe and give you a not so perfect bake. There are times where a recipe can allow you to use your creativity skills such as where adding a bit of fruit is required but where it is not stipulated, it is best to stick to the required amount o ingredients.
4 Not preheating your oven
This is a definite no. You must always preheat your oven when baking. This will allow your cakes and pastries to rise and cook perfectly.
5 Using the wrong products
This is another major problem especially for home cooks. Where cake flour is required and you use self raising flour, the end result will not be the same. The same can also happen where vanilla extract is required instead of vanilla essence. You must ensure that you use the correct products and brands