Celebrities and their signature hairdos

Each celebrity is recognised by a certain trademark. It could be a certain way of dressing up, a particular hairdo or a unique sense of style. We compile a list of our favorite celebrities and their trademark hairdos.
There is no talking of the queen of swagger Pokello without mention of her shaved sides hairdo. The socialite has had the hair on the sides of her head shaved for a very long time. Although she regurlaly changes the style on top, the sides are always shaved off. Pokello puts on braids, weaves and at times leaves her own hair but ensures her sides are neatly trimmed and cut.

Tammy Moyo
The “kwandinobva” singer loves anything blonde. Indeedz she is our very own Goldilocks. Whether it is a weave or some funky braids or even her own hair, Tammy makes sure that she has the blonde colour on. This has led to a new fashion craze with young girls emulating her look.

Van Choga
Zimdancehall chanter Van Choga has his own signature look, a large, natural afro that would make any lady green with envy. The hyper active and weird artist keeps his fro neatly combed and by the look of things has no intention whatsoever to trim I down. The hairdo, coupled with his strange stage antics have made him a popular figure.
Hope Masike
Hope is identified by her neat dreadlocks. The mbira musician loves to style it up and has had her dark, luscious locks for years. They blend well with her type of music and represent a significant part of local heritage. Hope is never seen with a wig or anything else except for her dreadlocks.